Friday, July 27, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Series Secret Codes List

Samsung Galaxy Series Secret Codes List
This post will show you about secret codes for Samsung galaxy series mobile phones which can be used for several purposes like testing the phone’s LCD, sensors, checking firmware or H/W versions and many more. Note: Do not try the codes highlighted in RED until you know what you are going to do.
Few Important ones:
  1. *#1234# – Views Software Version PDA CSC, MODEM
  2. *#0*# – General Test Mode / LCD Test
  3. *#9090# – Diagnostic Configuration
  4. *#7780# – Factory Reset
  5. *27673855# – Full Factory Reset
  6. *#7353# – Quick Test Menu
  7. *#7465625# – View Phone Lock Status
Other codes:
  1. *#12580369# (SW & HW Info – Doesn’t work on galaxy S3
  2. *#197328640# (Service Mode)
  3. *#0228# (Battery Status)
  4. *#32489# (Ciphering Info) – Doesn’t work on galaxy S3
  5. *#232337# (Bluetooth Address) – Doesn’t work on galaxy S3
  6. *#232331# (Bluetooth Test Mode) – Doesn’t work on galaxy S3
  7. *#232338# (WLAN MAC Address)
  8. *#232339# (WLAN Test Mode)
  9. *#0842# (Vibra Motor Test Mode)
  10. *#0782# (Real Time Clock Test)
  11. *#0673# (Audio Test Mode) – Doesn’t work on galaxy S3
  12. *#2263# (RF Band Selection) – Doesn’t work on galaxy S3
  13. *#9090# (Diagnostic Configuration)
  14. *#7284# (USB I2C Mode Control)
  15. *#4238378# (GCF Configuration)
  16. *#0283# (Audio Loopback Control)
  17. *#3214789650# (LBS Test Mode)
  18. *#745# (RIL Dump Menu)
  19. *#746# (Debug Dump Menu)
  20. *#9900# (System Dump Mode)
  21. *#44336# (Sofware Version Info)
  22. *#0289# (Melody Test Mode) – Doesn’t work on galaxy S3
  23. *#2663# (TSP / TSK firmware update)
  24. *#03# (NAND Flash S/N) – Doesn’t work on galaxy S3
  25. *#0589# (Light Sensor Test Mode) – Doesn’t work on galaxy S3
  26. *#0588# (Proximity Sensor Test Mode)
  27. *#2732832553282*# (Data Create Menu)
  28. *#273283255663282*# (Data Create SD Card)
  29. *#3282727336*# (Data Usage Status)
  30. *#7594# (Remap Shutdown to End Call TSK)
  31. *#34971539# (Camera Firmware Update)
  32. *#526# (WLAN Engineering Mode)
  33. *#528# (WLAN Engineering Mode)
  34. *#7412365# (Camera Firmware Menu)
  35. *#3214789# (GCF Mode Status)
  36. *#272886# (Auto Answer Selection)
  37. *#8736364# (OTA Update Menu)
  38. *#301279# (HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu)
  39. *#7353# (Quick Test Menu)
  40. *27674387264636# (Sellout SMS / CODE view)
  41. *7465625638*# (Configure Network Lock MCC/MNC)
  42. #7465625638*# (Insert Network Lock Keycode)
  43. *7465625782*# (Configure Network Lock NSP)
  44. #7465625782*# (Insert Partitial Network Lock Keycode)
  45. *746562577*# (Insert Network Lock Keycode SP)
  46. #746562577*# (Insert Operator Lock Keycode)
  47. *746562527*# (Insert Network Lock Keycode NSP/CP)
  48. #746562527*# (Insert Content Provider Keycode)
  49. *#272imei#* Product code

Compatible devices: 
  1. Samsung Galaxy S, S2, S3, S Advance, S plus, SL, SII Skyrocket
  2. Samsung Galaxy Ace, Ace Plus, Ace 2, Ace duos
  3. Samsung Galaxy Y, Y Pro, Y duos
  4. Samsung Galaxy Note
  5. Samsung Galaxy Nexus
  6. Samsung Galaxy Mini, mini 2
  7. Samsung Galaxy W
  8. Samsung Galaxy Fit
  9. Samsung Galaxy Gio
  10. Samsung Galaxy Beam
  11. Samsung Galaxy 5
  12. Samsung Galaxy 3
  13. Samsung Galaxy Xcover
  14. Samsung Galaxy Player
  15. Samsung Galaxy Appeal
  16. Samsung Galaxy Proclaim
  17. Samsung Galaxy Pop, pop plus
  18. Samsung Galaxy Spika

Source :


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